I'm eleventyhundred years old today!
And, yes, I am taking the day off! :)
In fact I already had yesterday off. I had a nasty appointment (boo hiss) first thing in the morning but then scooted off to hang out with writing buddy, Portia Da Costa. Lovely treat!
Today Loverboy is working a short day in order to take me out for supper in the city as well as two much anticipated exhibition visits, the Hermann Obrist Art Noveau sculpture exhibition, and the Heroes and Heroines Hollywood Costumes exhibition. Squeeeeeee!
I suppose it's rather unseemly for an eleventyhundred year old woman to be so over-excited, but...what the hell, ay. :o)
Ooh, and in book news, INESCAPABLE is now available in print in the UK! More from me soon.