Thursday, May 03, 2007

Good things

Okay, so I've been down in the dumps about various things, hiding in the bolthole licking my wounds, but I'm slowly creeping out and almost ready to face the world. As luck would have it, when I poked my nose out a couple of good things sauntered by and helped lift my spirits. First up, Carol Queen wants to publish a short story of mine. Carol Queen!!! I'm so honoured, dizzy with pleasure. Yes, I'm even smiling again, grinning like an idiot, in fact! ;)

And in review news, I really really liked what this reviewer had to say about THE STRANGELING... :)

THE STRANGELING is a story that interweaves pagan lore with the unlikely romance of two individuals brought together by an unwavering destiny. Behind the poetic descriptions of budding love and lust lies an exploration of duty versus desire which at times - but not always - coincide. Ms. Walker succeeds in showing the two sides of the coin of faith - selfless and self serving - as she showcases the paths of Veldor and Bron. This is a short novel that packs a big punch, but because of the graphic love scenes it is best enjoyed by adults only. Sylvia Cochrane for Roundtable Reviews...READ MORE