I’m swamped here, but things are going well, if a little slowly. I sold a short story that I’ve only just written. Hurrah! That sort of fast turnaround is exceptionally rare in the print world and it did me a lot of good. The story is called A COMPROMISING POSITION and will appear in a Bold Strokes books anthology called EXTREME PASSIONS. As a result, I’m a very happy woman! I’m having a lot of fun with the one I’m currently working on, too, THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD NETWORKING. I’ll be launching into the second phase of my novella writing tomorrow. The exceptionally naughty bit, so lots of loud industrial dance music will be pumping through my office. Hehehe.
In other news, it has been freezing cold here in Yorkshire and I heard today that March has been colder than December, January or February, something that hasn’t happened here since the 1880’s. How strange is that! We’ve got plants that need to go out, but the frost is making us harbour them indoors for the time being. Yes, picture us surrounded by fledgling plants awaiting the good earth of Yorkshire -- and getting me and loud industrial dance music instead LOL Should make ‘em hardy! :-)