Thursday, September 09, 2010

Time out for a writer. What does that actually mean?

After the summer-of-many-deadlines I came to the conclusion that I needed a few days away from the keyboard. What does "time out" actually mean for a writer who is attempting to make a living at the job she loves? ;o) Well, for this one it means doing stuff like cleaning house, washing the curtains, weeding and pruning, getting the boiler serviced, reading for friends, checking supplies, and updating accounts. In other words it’s hardly a rest. Then again, a change is as good as a rest. It’s been a good chance to do some of the stuff that I don’t get done the rest of the time, and I do feel refreshed.

In reality, a writer’s work is as long as a piece of string. If you’re trying to make it pay your bills, as many of us are, the best thing you can do to build your career is: keep writing, do as much promo as you can hack, and pretty much everything else (that is non life threatening or the man of your dreams) takes second place. Yay, that means the dishes can wait, right? ;o)

However, I do have a couple of fun days ahead -- also vital to refill the creative well. Dangerous Liaisons in Ballet form, courtesy of the Northern Ballet company (a birthday treat from my Real Life Hero!) and a trip out for some Yorkshire scenery, shopping and lunch. Then it’s back to the writing schedule until the end of the month when we escape to the rugged East Coast.

Meanwhile, a super new commentary came in for RAMPANT, from author Casey Sheridan. She said: Wonderfully written. Unique story. Luscious hero. Scorching hot read. I loved it! One of my top five favorite books. 5/5 stars.

Yay! Thanks Casey. I’ve also seen a review of the Italian translation. I don’t speak Italian but I get the feeling that “Splendido...” and “Bello, bello, bello!” sound like the reader might have enjoyed it. :)

Good Reads readers have posted some very encouraging responses to RAMPANT. Thank you so much! I appreciate every post, and I’m so pleased readers are enjoying this book!

I promised some special blog posts on my research and resources, and a discussion about the artifacts that are still extant from the time of the Scottish witch trials. Those things are on my to-do list, so do call back if you’re interested in finding out more about the background to my Scottish witchcraft novels. (Both RAMPANT, out now, and THE HARLOT, June 2011)

Meanwhile, if you’ve read RAMPANT and enjoyed it do let me know, or post a review comment. I’m trying to decide whether to do more paranormal and reader feedback is the best feedback I can get.