Monday, November 02, 2009

What I'm working on now, and some good news!

I can’t believe that we are in November. Having said that...2009 has been a bumpy year on the home front with lots of illness and chaos in the family. We're more than ready to wave it goodbye and look to a better year in 2010.

Even as I acknowledge that, I realise I’ve done more writing than ever this year. It’s often that way with me. If it’s tough going, writing is my sanctuary. It could be worse, I do believe there is nothing healthier than turning to writing. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :)

So what am I working as we head towards deep winter? The plan was to get stuck in to the writing on THE HARLOT, my second Harlequin Spice novel. That’s bubbling away and my notes grow longer by the day, but I’ve also got another story that’s busting to be written, so I'm going to devote a few weeks to it first. The deadline for THE HARLOT isn’t until September, so there is room to shuffle things around.

The new (busting to be written) novel has yet to be named, but the heroine is called Monica, so for now it’s Monica’s novel. This one is set in contemporary London and it has a slight and rather unusual (hopefully!) paranormal slant. It’s looking to come out at about 60,000 words -- a short novel, in other words, but I’ll see how it goes. More details on that story as it splurges across my computer screen.

Meanwhile, a couple of bits of publication news. If you are a UK reader and you are interested in reading my Spice Briefs, the first two are now available on this side of the pond through the Harlequin Mills and Boon site, (wahay!) with the third to follow next month.

In more good news, UNLEASHED has had its first review and I’m thrilled to announce a “reviewer top pick” from Night Owl Romance!

This collection of shorts give a great tantalizing peek into what Saskia Walker has to offer and the many different kinds of situations and plots are sure to please...After reading this collection, I'll definitely be picking up Saskia Walker's books in the future. Go here to read the full review.

I’m delighted! I’d hoped this collection would function as an intro to my work for new readers, so I couldn't be happier with the review.

UNLEASHED is also now available in print from Alas it won’t come through on Amazon UK, but they will ship overseas. It’s costly, so if you are interested in picking it up I recommend getting an e-book version, especially if you’re outside of the US.

Right folks, its back to work on Monica's story for me. I hope this week brings lots of good things your way!