Saturday, November 03, 2007

A good week!

It’s been a good and mostly productive week here. I lost nearly a whole day sorting a punctured tyre, but when I got back to work I sent my completed novella, SWEET-TALKING THE OPPOSITION, off to the editor who requested it. Fingers crossed she enjoys! Then I moved straight into revisions. I’m taking them nice and slow, and along the way I had a couple of ideas for short stories, so I made some notes and hope to work on those next.

Friday was the high point of the week, meeting up with my local buddy Wendy (THE Portia Da Costa ;) I always feel humbled to be pals with such a prolific and widely known author, and when we get together we have such a giggle together that I feel doubly blessed to be able to have a local author pal who I get on with so easily. It really levels my head about some of the stresses we face. We pretty much set the publishing worlds to rights :) and we even chatted about being at an RWA conference and how we’d cope -- which resulted in much wild speculation and manic laughter.

The weather here in Yorkshire has been autumn-like, with bright sunny days and blue skies even though it’s been cold. I’ve been watching the vine outside my kitchen window change from green to gold. I love this time of year. The week before was much more wintery so I thought we’d missed out on autumn, but we’ve had a wonderful reprieve. The only downside is people are talking about Christmas already. Argh!

Anyway, this is a short post because I must squeeze in some work before this evening, when we’re off partying. If you’re a writer and you’re doing the Sweating with Sven challenge (or Nano) I hope that you're steaming ahead and meeting your goals. The busy typist piccie is for inspiration! :)

Have a great weekend!