Friday, January 19, 2007

Bring me sunshine

I don’t like posting grim news on the blog, (that’s why it has been quiet here) but I have to report that it’s grim up North. We’re being battered by gale force winds, floods, sleet and rain, and extremely overcast skies. The cat has taken up permanent residence on the landing (centre of the house, away from any windows) where she sits over the spot the central heating pipes meet, sucking in the heat. We’ve got fence and roof repairs to do, and even the simplest tasks -- such as posting a letter or shopping -- are downright hazardous. Mark saw a roof being ripped off a petrol station when he was on his way to work yesterday! Add into the mix I am still suffering sinus headaches and you can see things are far from ideal in Saskialand. We’ve taken to watching a lot of comedy. :)

I’m not completely bereft of smiles, however. I got up to a wonderful surprise this morning. The Strangeling was at number 2,013 on Amazon UK, and at No 15 in the fantasy romance bestseller list.

To say that I am pleased and amazed would be an understatement. The book isn’t even out yet. I’ve been doing a fair bit of promo for this one along with my other February releases, and I think it’s also helped that Amazon have teamed it up as a pair with Emma Holly’s new fantasy romance, Prince of Ice. What’s even better news is that there will be a nice surprise in store for those who have placed advance orders. The price currently on display is incorrect. The book will be going out at USD 9.99, so when that filters through the system it should also be a bit cheaper for UK customers too.

I hope you’re having better weather wherever you are! Stay warm.