As I type this my man is out on his Christmas work "do." I had this nostalgic flutter when he went off, and for a little while bemoaned the solitary life of a writer (to myself, LOL) It's not so much the meeting up with other authors, because I do that and will be doing it more next year. It was the idea of partying with people you see on a daily basis, and that whole other mood you get under such circumstances... learning stuff about people you work with that you didn’t know, stuff you can tease them about... you know the sort of thing. Fun. Then, as I thought about it and reflected on events past, I realised I'd never really had a rip-roaring time on any of the work-related events I went on when I had a regular job. Some were good fun, but I also remember some mighty tedious dinners indeed! I had to laugh when I faced up to that particular reality.
So, can you be nostalgic for something you’ve never had? I guess so, well kind of. Anyway, Mark and I are off to paint the town red (black?) tomorrow night, gigs and pubs galore, so I’m using my time wisely this afternoon. Yes, I'm having a facial in preparaton to face the world. Ha. WHILE writing. ;) If you’re off on a seasonal party soon, have lots of fun, and be safe!
My last few posts seem to have been about being interviewed, and I’m at it again on Monday. Once again, a different slant – and this is what I'm really enjoying about the interviews I’ve been doing – this one is for a UK magazine and it's going to focus on how the erotic is becoming mainstream and the fact that it's women in their 30’s and 40’s pushing this. As the writer in the feature I’m really enthusiastic about the topic. I opted for a University education with a feminist slant, back in the 80’s, and I do believe that put me in a very good position for what came after in terms of the changing attitudes to women’s sexuality, and for my move toward writing. More detail on that one as and when it happens.
Have a great weekend!