Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Where my head is at

So I’ve had my week away from the desk and I’ve come back mentally refreshed, ready to crank through the rest of my work in progress over the next three weeks. I’m going to concentrate on that, no short stories or anything else until November. So where’s my head at? Ha!

Yes, there is a new novel simmmering away at the back of my brain begging to be written. It’s another fantasy, set in the same world as THE STRANGELING. While I was writing that story the bad guy got quite a grip on me. I’m chuckling. He’s charming in a deadly way -- slightly demented, hellish sexy. Sigh. LOL It was hard at the time not to try to redeem him, I must confess. Anyway, he kept looming up in my thoughts until it occurred to me that it would need a very strong, powerful woman to sort him out… the past love who has buried her feelings deep, but cannot deny them, perhaps? Soon as I realised that, this woman’s voice was talking to me from the back of my head too -- vivid, powerfully magical, deeply feminine -- telling me her story. It’s getting crowded in my head! Of course it’s going to be quite a trial for her even getting to him, since I left him in the hands of demons, hehehe, let alone the redemption, but who said love was ever easy..?

Back to last week. My little trip down memory lane turned out different than I had expected. I am well and truly settled in Yorkshire, where my dad’s side of the family are from, but I’ve lived a lot of places. The vibrant city of Brighton on the south coast was my home on and off for almost 9 years of my life. It was the 20-year anniversary of when I first went there, so I figured I should go back. I loved it there, but at the same time it's a very transient place, and that wasn’t what I needed long term.

It was a bit of a tour round old haunts, ticking off what was still there, what had gone, and laughing at what had been renamed cyber-style to suit current trends. One of my favourite pubs, The Quadrant, had been refurbished and reopened just 2 nights before, after being shut for over 4 years. Uncanny. The odd thing about the pilgrimage is I realised how much happier I am with where my life is at now than I was 20 years ago, or even at the times in between. This wasn’t what I was expecting from the trip! I was expecting to be nostalgic, but it didn’t happen. Of course I’d love to be younger, and not to have all the health problems I’ve developed between now and then. But that aside, I am very much happier with the woman I am now, and where I am with my life and goals. Worth the trip for that alone, I have to admit.

We met up with my dear friend, Rhona, and had a wonderful reunion lunch. We hadn’t seen each other in two years so that was a happy occasion. We also spent a few days in Cambridge, where the traditional sight of cyclists wending through the city was marred by the high number of them falling arse-over-tit on wet cobblestones. I kid you not.That and the somewhat ludicrous price of coffee (and the rest,) made it somewhat surreal, almost like being in another country/TV outakes show. Did get some good book shopping done, and had another trip down memory lane at a superb Stranglers concert. Remember them... Golden brown, through my mind she runs, Strange Little Girl, where are you going? Sigh… Now, funnily enough, it was there that I did get nostalgic. I think perhaps I attach more significance to music, because music comes with me. I loved the Stranglers but haven't been that keen on seeing them live since Hugh Cornwell left. It was part of my belated birthday treat from Mark and the band (what’s left of them,) gave an excellent performance with lots of the old favourites. Much enjoyed gig! I’ve been playing them ever since I got back.

It was good to spend time with my lovely man without phones, PCs, work etc etc intruding. (it's been a while so I figured I'd embarass him again by linking to his photo ;-) Came back to a stuffed mailbox, wondered if it was even worth going away for a while there. LOL. Still playing catch up on the blogs to see what everyone is up to.