It’s turning into a strange old week here at home on shady lane. We’re still suffering with intermittent Internet access, which is somewhat annoying. I worry about mail going missing, and being out of touch. You’d think I’d be getting lots done, but no, I seem to spend more time trying to maintain my connection. The cable guys can’t make it out to us with a new box until Thursday, so until then its tweaking/cajoling/kicking the box into life every so often. On top of that, both phone and electricity have gone down! We were without phone lines for two days, an uncanny coincidence. That service came back on yesterday, and this evening, we were victims of a power cut. Uncanny.
The amusing thing was the electricity went off whilst England was playing in the latest round of the world cup battle. Ha! What a disaster. I was working at the time and off went the power, followed by alarms going off everywhere in the street. Followed closely by shouting… and then doors opening/slamming… the sound of men, running into the their cars... to switch on the car radios… to continue following the football commentary. LOL Too funny. The best part was the Dunkirk spirit, as these guys turned up the radios so everyone in the street could hear, (whether we wanted to or not,) and when the cheer went up for a goal, a bunch of them beeped their horns loudly and then stood outside of their cars and shouted out the name of the player who had scored. At the top of their voices. What top blokes, thinking of us all! I was very amused... and the Man of the House was extemely grateful. ;-)