Saturday, April 24, 2010

What am I working on, and 2 new reviews for RAMPANT

Well now, what am I working on? Good question. I’m currently doing the back and forth mental dance between my main project, The Harlot, and a short story that is begging to be written.

I've pulled back a lot on my short story writing this past couple of years, in order to spend more time on novel length. I still struggle for balance. I really should be working on the novel, but...hmmm. Which way will it go? By the end of today I'll know. If I do write the short it’ll have to be quick. If I don’t write it, the idea is going to keep intruding on my current work. Yeah, I know, it sounds as if it’s got to be done, right!

In other news, 2 great new reviews for RAMPANT were posted this week. First up from Pearl’s World of Romance, 8.5/10 and some great comments:

Saskia Walker weaves an entertaining paranormal story, sprinkled with eroticism. In fact she tells two stories and both stories, Zoë's and Annabel's, were delivered to the reader in a perfect way, each with its own distinctive feel, yet brought together effortlessly and intriguingly to want to keep on reading. It was rightly paced, had subtle humor, a fascinating plot and was explicitly erotic. With intricacy the story works its way to the culmination point and everything is unraveled. I loved both the well-written set-up of the book and the great wrap-up in the ending.
Full review here.

And from Diana at The Book of Secrets, 5/5. Here's what she has to say:

I loved this story. It was beautifully written. The descriptions of the characters, town and surrounding landscape were amazing; I could easily picture myself there, sharing the experiences with the characters. The coast of Scotland sounds like such a beautiful, magical place! The book flows nicely, and the erotic scenes blend smoothly into the story and never overshadow the plot. I really enjoyed the paranormal aspects of the story. I couldn't wait to find out Zoe's fate and the real story behind Annabel's death centuries earlier. I highly recommend Rampant to fans of erotica and paranormal romance. Full review here.

These comments are making me so happy! I'm thoroughly delighted that readers are enjoying this story so much. Couldn't wish for more. :)

It's a beautiful summery day here in Yorkshire. I hope it’s good where you are too!