However, when we get a post about the slush pile at an erotic romance house, I'm baffled! Check these stats out:
* About 3% thought they were submitting to an agent.
* About 10% submitted work that is not even remotely close to what we publish -- memoirs, religious books, dissertations, cookbooks, etc. (Why is there always a cookbook?)
* About 20% submitted fiction, but not even remotely close to our type of fiction -- hardboiled detective novels, fictionalized childhood memoirs, YA witches and vampires, stories a la Tom Clancy and Louis L'Amour, etc.
Wait, there's more! Go here to read the full post.
Now let me be clear, I'm not pointing the finger because I know I always seem to make slip ups (and anyone who reads my blog knows this. ;-) I omit some vital info, miss a typo -- or worse, let a Dragon Speech Recognition mishear slip through. God knows I try not to, I proof and proof again, but when I read back the next day. Ugh! (Proceed kicking self!)
But a submission that isn't remotely related to the guidelines..? What an absolute waste of time and energy for everyone involved. I'm baffled.