Monday, September 07, 2009

Hi Honeys, I'm home!

Hi Honeys, I'm home! I've got some photos and bits of news from our trip to share, but I came back to two sets of galleys so I'm busy working my way through those at the mo.

I've got various things I want to blog about, and I need to start work on THE HARLOT in earnest this week. That's both exciting and daunting, but I'm raring to go! This also promises to be a heavy week on the home front, so wish me luck for whatever that brings.

Ooh, briefly, in book news, I had a couple of readers ask if my Spice Briefs will be available through the UK Harlequin Mills and Boon site. I'm happy to report that the answer is yes, commencing in December. Wahay!

I'll be catching up on everyone's blogs later today. Missed you!