Thursday, April 10, 2008

Busy, but not writing

It’s been a busy week here at home on shady lane, because I got stuck into the job of preparing an ARC for RECKLESS. I copy all the copy edits and proofing over to the final rtf document, partly so that the ARC is as accurate as possible to the print book, but also because I learn from every correction by working them in. Once that was done, I got the PDF made and mailed out to the review sites today. I hope some of the reviewers will be tempted to give it a read! :)

It’ll be exciting to hear what readers have to say about this one. I fell in love with the story all over again this last couple of weeks. I can also see how far I’ve come since I started out in novel-length. Can't help being nervous, though!

I also did a fun interview. That should be going live tomorrow and I’ll post a link then. I hope you’re all having a great week. More updates, (and a contest,) coming soon!

UPDATE: If you are a reviewer and RECKLESS appeals to you, just shoot me an email. There's a link in the right hand menu.