Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taking stock before partying with Portia

Tomorrow is officially designated work colleagues Christmas party day here. Mark, my Real Life Hero, is off on his rather decadent Christmas “do,” a four course dinner in a restaurant at a casino followed up with gaming, a visit to the Christmas fair, (bumper cars,) and then a pub quiz for anyone who still has any brain capability after what has gone before.

Mine, however, is likely to attract much more attention from passers by. Ha! Well, when Portia Da Costa and I get together, we tend to raise a few eyebrows from anyone who happens to be within earshot of our “work” discussion. ;-)

As always, I'm really excited to be meeting up with Portia, and a day away from the keyboard will be good, too. The writing has been going well, so I feel I've earned it. I've been taking part in the Sweating with Sven challenge since mid October, but my goals have shifted during that time. What I’m doing seems hard to quantify in word count, which would be ideal. However, since I started I've completed a novella (adding around 9K to what was there,) I've written two x 7/8K short stories, I revised a novel and proofed galleys. I’ve written around 9K of a novel, written a proposal for another novel of around 5.5K and have another new novel idea at just over 2K. Production line chaos, as you see. LOL

Well I kind of do know where I’m at (just as well I do, ay!) but it's not where I expected to be. It’s actually a lot better. Nothing to what some writers can produce in the same period, but positive for me. Ideas are flowing and I'm feeling motivated for the New Year ahead. This is good news, because I had some really difficult patches in 2007. I have my new 2008 wall chart up and I’m listing what I want to get done on my white board. I’m excited!

It just seems that whenever I sign up for a challenge or start a word counter or whatever, things come in that throw me off track, a commission or an idea that takes precedence, and so on. Ah well, all good stuff, I’m not complaining. Hopefully in 2008 some (if not all) of these new ideas will be whole and complete projects.

If you’re a writer and you’re doing the challenge, I hope it’s going well!