It has been one of those odd weeks, where not a lot of actual new writing got done while I dealt with all the other stuff a writer has to do. I’m closing shop early today because we're out on the town tonight for a much-needed session of fun, but for those who are interested in the writing life, here's how the week went on that side of things:
· Completed and subbed a short story, started a second, plotted a third.
· Set up spreadsheets for 06-07 (yes, we're this far into the financial year and I’m only doing it now, naughty me, but that’s me getting better at the job, honestly!)
· Chatted with fantasy editor over various, including possible cover art; got confirmation from artist on an image we both loved and hoped to get for THE STRANGELING (yippee! It's an artist whose work I admire immensely, so I'm very happy indeed. More news on that soon)
· Chatted excitedly with agent and contemporary editor about first reviews for DOUBLE DARE (editor is having a drink in my honour at the RWA conference, I couldn’t be more thrilled!)
· Prepared a published short for resubmission elsewhere (transcribing the editor’s edits, learning along the way)
· Dealt with a bit of promo for DOUBLE DARE, booked a slot in Romance sells and filled out online forms, this also involved the trepidation of setting up paypal account, eek.
· Began editing a two-year-old partial of a novel, ready to crack on with the full next week. This mostly seemed to involve me making notes to insert more action scenes, and the current word count going down LOL
· Added to my list of web updates. It’s getting long, so that will need doing soon, too.
Real life did it's best to scupper one whole day, but I pulled back a couple of hours after a hospital session (nothing unusual for me.) Most full time writers are way busier than me, but it gives you an idea of how all-over-the-place it can be. Come Monday, I’ll be in heavy writing mode on UNVEILING THE SORCERESS, which will last through to the end of September. Before Monday, I hope to finish up that short I began, if not I’ll be doing it in the evenings, which is also a good routine for me, variety is one way to freshen up the mind.
On a different subject –- music -- I’m kicking myself because I realised I missed MY RUIN playing locally, on their first UK tour. Boohoo! I badly wanted to go, and just totally overlooked getting tickets (which is how I usually keep it in mind, with them stuck all over the walls so I can’t miss them.) I’ve also just realised I forgot to blog about other gigs we went to recently, including COVENANT and THE SISTERS OF MERCY. Oops, I am supposed to be doing that here, too. Mind like a sieve, or fiction overriding the facts of life -- you decide. Briefly, Covenant were superb. We had a fabulous time with those lovely industrial strength Swedes. The Sisters were good, if not on top form. I made allowances, because we’re all getting on :-) and they were mid way on the longest tour they’ve ever done (I felt harrowed just reading the schedule.) There was also the no-small-fact that The Von had a broken rib and was barely able to move. Thought he did pretty good, considering. We had a great time at the Leeds gig, but we were up on the balcony. People in the audience itself were somewhat swamped in that old goth magic, otherwise known as dry ice, hehe.
Right, got to dash and get some stuff done before playtime. Hope you all have a super weekend!