Monday, July 03, 2006

Hot here!

After a slow start to our summer, it's now baking hot here in Yorkshire. Despite a massive thunder storm last night, it hasn't broken the weather pattern up one bit. As a result, we've been having unusually quiet leisure time, mostly keeping cool indoors and reading.

The Man of the House is reading THUD! by Pratchett and I'm also indulging my fantasy yen. Top off the tbr stack was RIKA'S JEWEL, by Astrid Fox. I've got to say, if you love stuff like Xena and pagan fantasy, you'll totally adore this one. Sadly out of print now, but still available through amazon resellers and some outlets, it's a great lesbian fantasy novel from Sapphire (Virgin Books) I've enjoyed it immensely. Although, I hasten to add, it mostly did not help me keep cool. Heh. Next up is the more heavyweight KUSHIEL'S DART by Jacqueline Carey. Have been longing to read this one for ages.