Things are almost back to normal here, so I’ll be blogging properly again soon. I’m working on my partial for RECKLESS, and enjoying it immensely. I'll give a taster from the first chapter here soon.
Whilst working on this partial I keep thinking back to something I read on Neil Gaiman's blog a couple of weeks back. Neil was on a book tour in Australia and went to a sushi restaurant alone one evening, in Sydney. After looking at the menu, he told the chef to cook him whatever he wanted to. This isn't something I’ve ever done or heard of anyone else doing, but it instantly appealed to me! The mystery, the voyage of culinary discovery for the customer, and knowing the chef is going to give you the best he has got, prepared in the way he enjoys most. It kind of encapsulated the spirit of my current proposal too, and my heroine's adventure, so my mind keeps returning to it as I write. Neil reported his mystery meal turned out well, concluding: “He seemed to have fun, and I definitely did.” With that in mind, I’m going to continue to let it influence me...