Saturday, June 03, 2006

Another first for me

I seem to have experienced a lot of firsts recently. I’ve been introduced to the world of FedEx for the first time, I’ve had short stories in award winning books, my first novel go to print, and so on and so on. Never a dull moment, and I just had another. When SLAVE TO LOVE went to publication, Alison Tyler, the editor, told me that the publisher was using part of my story on the back cover blurb of the anthology. I was amazed and thrilled. I spent the intervening time trying to guess which bit (great fun!) and suffered a mixture of awe and – at times – embarrassment. LOL So I’ve finally got to see it, and it amazed me all over again. I’m a writer. People like my stuff. Editors and publishers really do believe in me. My dream came true. Wonder when I'll wake up? :-)

In other news, it’s sunny in England! Always cause to celebrate. I completed my read through of the DOUBLE DARE galleys today. I’ve got to say, it's exhausting scrutinising pages that way. I wonder if it’s just me, or if other authors find that? I was impressed though, it was beautifully laid out and I only found a couple of teensy problems, a missing letter and a missing word. I’m going to blog about the whole NY editing experience soon, and how it differs to everything I’ve experienced before, because its been a fascinating experience. Right now though, I’m off to make fajitas and crack open a bottle of beer. Hope you’re having a good weekend!