These two quotes about writing tickled me to bits:
"It's an adrenaline surge rushing through your body. You have this spark of an idea that keeps threatening to burst into flames and you have to get the words out on paper to match this emotion or picture in your head. After this comes the work of cleaning up the mess that you made." Janet West
"When we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end. When we write, we start in the middle and fight our way out." Vickie Karp
I read those words and thought: thank goodness it's not just me! I don't write in a linear way. I do get to a point where I complete a story by working my way through it, but in the early to mid-stages I'm working right across a story and getting key scenes in that will help me characterise strongly throughout. I've already plotted it thoroughly, so I can afford that luxury, and I believe it helps me define my characters. If I capture their reactions to an intense scenario that is vivid in my mind, then I have a stronger idea how they'll perform throughout. The quotes made me smile. Find more HERE.