We’re having a mellow New Year’s Eve curled up in front of the fire here (alas, we’re still recovering from the flu,) but it’s warm, cosy, and really rather romantic! Purrrr... ;-) We’re also taking stock of what's happened in 2005, and what's ahead in 2006.
A few days ago I thought about resolutions, and I was perplexed to find they are pretty much the same old same old. Oh dear! LOL That’s no good! Then I had a great tip from a friend: make a note of the changes 2005 brought into your life and it will reinforce your belief in the power of change.
2005 brought lots of firsts for me. I’m now a full time writer, a goal I worked towards for years. I saw my name on book covers (Secrets Volume 12 being the first.) I had THE CALL from a New York publisher, and I signed with literary agent Roberta Brown. These are just the biggest ones, and they are bigger than I can even comprehend at this point! I've got some terrific, supportive author friends that I've made on my journey, and I’m very happy with where I’m at, going into 2006. But I still want to grow and change, and knowing things like this can happen has reinforced my belief in the power of change. So…next year I will be more focused about my working hours, so I don’t end up working into the nights, and I will have proper weekends while still achieving my writing goals. Do you think I can make it happen? :-)
If you’re an author, aspiring or published, you’ll find some terrific food for thought over at Alison Kent's blog and at Sylvia Day's blog. I appreciated you sharing those thoughts ~ thanks, Ladies!
A Happy New Year to you all. May 2006 bring everything you wish for.