Sunday, October 19, 2008

Work in progress

Yesterday I worked on something completely different than the current WiP, a short story that needed to be finished. It just sort of happened. I think I needed a bit of a break from the big one, and working on something else gave my brain a refreshing jolt! I’m so deeply entrenched with the current WiP that it really helped to pull back and work on something lighter, something that just needed another couple of thousand words for completion. It’s back to the big one today, after this short has been proofed and subbed.

Had a wonderful day with Portia on Friday! We chatted for hours and it went by in a flash. Coincidentally we’ve both got the same deadline on our WiPs this time around, and it was good to chat about where we are at with our stories. It was very productive, lots of fun, and relaxing too. Back to the desk now!

Have a great day!